Foundational Discoveries

Events, Letters, Guiding, Superstructures, Our Origins
GemsOfGod, The Twelve, Bible, Culture, History, Media, Performance, Discovery

Foundational DiscoveriesUnraveling the Mysteries of the Twelve Gemstones and Beyond Unveiling the 12 Holy GemsThe Complete Revelation From the Old to the New Testament and Beyond Decoding the Divine BlueprintsUncovering the Ideation of Aaron's Breastplate, the Tabernacle, God Himself, the Bible's and Other Symbols, Structures, and Artifacts Tracing the Roots of Foundational IdeasUnveiling the Catalysts of Human Civilization Dating the Minoan EruptionUnlocking Precise Chronology of the 2nd Millennium BC ...

First Year's Report - Triumph!

December 31, 2024
Events, Letters, Guiding, Our Origins, Superstructures, Inspiring
GemsOfGod, The Twelve, Bible, Culture, History, Media, Performance, Discovery

Triumph!#“Great Benefactor” – some call me. Pilgrimages are made to places where I walk, people adorned in incredible clothes full of sacred spirit. The Orthodox world greets my findings with sparkling enthusiasm, and so are Eastern European Catholics, revealing to me the designs of their history. Influential minds recognize the profound growth potential, suggesting to “reach out to as mainstream media as possible.” 160 email addresses were collected – not trillions yet. ...

BREAKING! Aaron's Breastplate's Form Revealed

April 3, 2024
Events, Letters, Guiding, Our Origins, Superstructures, Inspiring
GemsOfGod, The Twelve, Bible, Culture, History, Media, Performance, Discovery

PRESS RELEASE#The Gems of God project made a groundbreaking discovery that solves the mystery of the shape of Aaron’s breastplate, a sacred artifact of immense religious and cultural significance to Judaism and Christianity. According to the Bible, the breastplate was a pectoral of Egyptian kind which Moses has created for Aaron, the high priest of the Israelites, and it was designed to be the first thing God sees when entering the physical world. ...

Literary Birth of God

Our Origins, Superstructures, Guiding, Inspiring
Research, Analysis, Bible, Culture, History, Media, Performance, Discovery, The Twelve

We have greatly surpassed other researchers in our understanding of the original Exodus authors’ conception of Godβ€”the first true monotheism in history. Our profoundly detailed understanding comes solely from the literal interpretations of the sacred text of the Bible, complemented by our definitive grasp of the historical context and our decoded superstructures such as Aaron’s garments and the Tabernacle. Who has God been to the first evokers of God, in the original words of the Exodus? ...

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