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Platforms below are grouped by optimal message length.
Some platforms listed have histories of damage, extremism, and data breaches. Gems of God leads the world in management, architecting breathtaking web applications that establish an inevitable new global standard. Listed ≠ endorsed. Share wisely, and ignite a global transformation — your voice sparks lasting change.
Note: direct sharing may not always include text; use ‘copy’ to ensure your message lands perfectly.
Craft words that light the way:
And spread the brilliance, day by day:
Connect with friends, share updates, discover content.
MessengerChat with friends, send messages, share media.
X (Twitter)Share thoughts, follow trends, engage with others.
WhatsAppInstant messaging, voice, and video calls.
LinkedInProfessional networking, job searching, industry insights.
TelegramSecure messaging, group chats, file sharing.
ThreadsPrivate messaging app for close friends.
MastodonOpen-source social network, decentralized.
PinterestDiscover and save ideas, create visual collections.
SnapchatMessaging, photo and video sharing, disappearing content.
WeChatMessaging, social media, mobile payment platform.
RedditFind communities, discuss topics, share content.
SlashdotNews and discussions on technology and science.
TumblrExpress creativity, customize blog, connect with community.
Sina WeiboMicroblogging platform in China.
VKSocial networking platform popular in Russia.
SkypeVoice and video calls, messaging.
LineMessaging, voice and video calls, stickers.
StockTwitsShare investment insights, connect with traders.
PlurkMicroblogging platform, timeline-based conversations.
MeWeSocial network focused on privacy and data ownership.
FlipboardPersonalized news, articles, and social media.
XINGProfessional networking, job searching, business events.
DiasporaPrivacy-focused social network, decentralized.
ViberMessaging, voice and video calls.
QzoneSocial networking platform in China.
KakaoMessaging, social media, mobile payment platform.
ThreemaSecure messaging, voice and video calls.
MixiSocial networking platform in Japan.
Click a platform—share with ease:
Build and customize websites, blogging platform.
BloggerCreate and manage personal blogs.
PocketSave and discover articles, read offline.
TrelloProject management, task organization, collaboration.
MS TeamsCollaboration platform for teams, chat, file sharing.
EvernoteNote-taking, organization, task management.
InstapaperSave and read articles later, distraction-free.
Google ClassroomOnline learning platform for educators and students.
BufferSocial media management, scheduling, analytics.
LiveJournalBlogging platform, social networking.
TypePadBlogging platform, website hosting.
YummlyRecipe discovery, meal planning, cooking tips.
MendeleyReference manager, academic collaboration.
HouzzHome design and renovation ideas, find professionals.
MixDiscover and save articles, photos, and videos.
DiggDiscover popular content, engage in discussions.
Amazon Wish ListCreate and share wish lists on Amazon.
DoubanSocial networking platform in China.
FarkNews aggregation and discussion platform.
FolkdSocial bookmarking, discover and save web content.
HatenaSocial bookmarking, blogging, and discovery platform.
KnownSocial publishing platform, personal websites.
MeneameNews aggregation and discussion platform in Spanish.
PushaSocial news aggregation and bookmarking platform.
RediffPersonalized homepage, social networking.
RefindDiscover, save, and read articles later.
WykopSocial news and bookmarking platform in Polish.
DraugiemSocial networking platform in Latvia.
TwiddlaOnline whiteboard for collaboration and meetings.
Diary.RuCreate and share personal online diaries.
Box.netStore and share files online.
Bookmarks.frBookmark and organize favorite websites.
BlogMarksSave and share bookmarks with others.
BibSonomyManage and share research bookmarks.
DiigoHighlight, annotate, and save web pages.
Symbaloo BookmarksOrganize and access bookmarks visually.
Raindrop.ioCollect and organize bookmarks across devices.
PinboardBookmark and discover interesting web pages.
PapalyCreate visual bookmark boards, share bookmarks.
MySpaceConnect with friends, share music and media.
SitejotBookmark and access favorite websites easily.
SvejoShare and discover interesting Bulgarian content.
Hacker NewsCommunity-driven tech news and discussions.
OdnoklassnikiSocial networking platform popular in Russia.
BalatarinNews aggregation and discussion platform in Persian.
Click to share—let it stick:
Email service by Microsoft.
Yahoo MailEmail service by Yahoo.
GmailFree email service by Google.
EmailSend and receive electronic messages.
PrintFriendlyPrint web pages, create printer-friendly versions.
PrintPrint web pages, documents, and photos.
Mail.RuEmail service by Mail.Ru Group.
AOL MailEmail service by AOL.
Google TranslateTranslation service by Google.
Push to KindleSend web articles to Kindle devices.
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/*— Note: Some platforms listed are guilty of damage, extremism & data breaches. While we seek to control questionable management, listed ≠ endorsed. If engaging, you assume full responsibility for any potential consequences./