Together with technologies, evolving systems of meaning have detailed our human experience. What we’ve been thinking of as great ideas, we’ve zoomed into in steady paths of realizations forming our interactions in creative activity. All else besides, the greatest works of humankind have also delved into mechanics, dynamics, aesthetics and moments of experience nourishing our growth. We’ll unveil the most crucial UX principles to you.
Persistent visual regularities uncover the fundamental superstructures of nature, profoundly shaping sciences and enhancing human experiences
February 1, 2024
Structures of nature reveal strikingly simple, yet utterly logical mathematics that can model nature with never before seen precision.
The existence of reality negates absolute nothingness. This is why change is always possible. To confirm a change as real, it must contrast something else, with possible answers being Yes, No or Maybe.
So, any definite reality requires two dimensions (Yes and No at the core), which remain as real as a surface boundary, the opposite of which is its potential change (Maybe), or derivative.
An in-depth examination of over 9000 watchfaces reveals striking visual patterns and principles for optimizing visual UX
February 8, 2024
Hello dear champion,#Just reaching out with a quick update to brighten your day – has added new texts ripe for exploration! We’ve just introduced 12 more pages, ready for your discovery. We’re adding more every day.
Together, we’ve embraced celebrations of the changing YEAR and MONTH, and now after a WEEK, I’m inspired for a challenge.
I’m setting my sights high to achieve as much as possible in a DAY’s time, a testament to the time itself and the creativity of men (remember my insight into the timeframe of a day?
February 1, 2024
Greetings, pioneer!
This month, we celebrate not just February, but the very concept of month itself - a period of time we humans have chosen to use across cultures thousands of years ago. Big data suggests a month is the most useful timeframe for business, and a day - for a person. The first month of new work is when workers predict their performance most precisely. We feel great switching between areas of research and associated teams monthly, just like the brightest minds incorporating the best thoughts and ideas did thousands of years ago.
Here I will suggest new designs and redesigns for popular watches and watch brands. Stay tuned. These will incorporate the Twelve Gems of the Bible.
It can be said that the global market has grown from the eye-finger connection, a continuation of the Persian canons of deities, greeted with a pointing finger gesture (often in response to natural events). These historical canons, alongside ergonomics, can be integrated to cultivate intuitive and enduring design principles, which we’ll soon be exploring in detail.
Inclusivity Principles#At, we celebrate the beauty of unity and diversity, crafting a mosaic of love, respect, and compassion. Our mission is to uplift and amplify voices that inspire positive change and cultural richness. We curate partnerships with individuals and organizations committed to inclusivity, empathy, and creativity for good.
Together, we envision a world where cultural appreciation thrives, and every unique expression becomes a brushstroke on a canvas of understanding.
Our computer science tool chooses what specific amounts of your chosen food products to eat based on your diet choice (from over 700 options or a personalized one), taking into account your product preferences and budget. It’s been used by health facilities for a while now, recommending the food that heals, and that alone is estimated to solve at least 30% of all health-related issues.
With your support, this could turn into the top diet app of all in just a week.