1:1 Sound Transmission

Communications, Guiding
Research, Discovery, Media, Performance

Explore the nuanced world of high-fidelity audio in our latest research into sound transmission. Have you ever pondered the true differences between 24-bit and 16-bit sound, or between 96 kHz and 192 kHz sampling rates? Contrary to the common misconception, the distinctions are not just discernible; they are profound. With a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 100 dB, our ears surpass the limitations of not only 16-bit audio’s 70 dB but even 32-384 audio, while DSD-128 provides a perceivably better dynamic range and clarity. Experience the original 3D soundstage as we demonstrate affordable methods to transmit crystal-clear, lifelike audio with full 120 dB precision directly to your ears—all for under $100 (DAP included). Stay tuned for comprehensive tests and revelations that may just redefine your auditory experience.


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1:1 Sound Transmission