How Technologies Spread

Communications, Guiding
Research, Engagement, Media

Global technologies seem to take seven years til mass adoption all the time with the main border often being the national one. This is rooted in communications, just like thousands of years ago, when changes in languages, international relations and cultures appeared at the same time as knots of strong events happening after possibilities of combining meanings depleted, and new structures of languages and technologies were desired. (soon)

1:1 Sound Transmission

Communications, Guiding
Research, Discovery, Media, Performance

Explore the nuanced world of high-fidelity audio in our latest research into sound transmission. Have you ever pondered the true differences between 24-bit and 16-bit sound, or between 96 kHz and 192 kHz sampling rates? Contrary to the common misconception, the distinctions are not just discernible; they are profound. With a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 100 dB, our ears surpass the limitations of not only 16-bit audio’s 70 dB but even 32-384 audio, while DSD-128 provides a perceivably better dynamic range and clarity. ...

Top Stocks: Website Analysis

Communications, Guiding, Business
Visual, Research, Analysis, Engagement, Media, Web Design, Performance

My analysis of hundreds of top-performing stocks’ websites uncovers crucial insights into their winning strategies. They demonstrate strikingly similar menu structures, layouts and methods in how they position themselves in relation to visitors’ areas of interest - they employ language and propose products and solutions, the use of which directly manifests the restucturing of these areas, securing their robust positions in the market. (soon)

Social Networks Analysis

Communications, Guiding, Data Science
Visual, Research, Analysis, Engagement, Media, Performance

Massives of data from social networks don’t reveal sufficient progress stemming from them to seekers in general - more often than not, other sources prove to be superior. That said, the inner structure of knowledge always reveals the totality of what it can be. Social interactions reveal less but, when aligned, can prove highly beneficial. We’ll reveal many insights from web platforms’ big data. (soon)

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